Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Different Cancers and their treatment: FYI

In my previous blogs I have talked about different types of cancer, here in this blog let’s find out different treatments for different types of cancer. Cancer as we all know is the most dangerous disease that has affected people from all over the world. In India, the biggest problem behind the rising number of cancer patients is that the most Indians don't suspect they may have cancer, or simply they IGNORE the warning signals. But, thankfully, today with the advancement in medical sciences and commitment from researchers and doctors, superior treatments have been developed resulting in success stories. 

First of all let’s figure out what all different types of cancers commonly occur: 

1) Lung Cancer 
2) Breast Cancer 
3) Throat Cancer 
4) Stomach Cancer 
5) Prostate Cancer 
6) Cervical Cancer 
7) Skin Cancer 
8) Oral Cancer 
9)  Bone Cancer 
10) Esophagus Cancer 
11) Colon Cancer 
12) Head and Neck Cancer 
13) Ovarian Cancer 
14) Brain Cancer 

All these different cancer types have certain precise symptoms, which help to detect and treat them successfully. Treatment of cancer entirely depends on the stage and size of the tumor, which helps a doctor to design and advance to specific treatments. One might be suggested to undergo a surgery or radiation or a combination of both. What type of treatment given at a particular time depends on patient’s condition too. 

Now let’s discuss about few common types of cancer treatments and their preferences: 

1. Surgery – Surgery involves taking out a part or whole of the tumor out from the body, it is an early stage treatment to reduce or remove the tumor, combined with different treatments. It is preferred at an early stage of cancer. 

2. Radiation - This therapy uses high-energy rays to destroy malignant cancer cells. It would target any cancerous cells left behind by the tumor. It is preferred for – Throat Cancer and Prostate cancer 

3. Chemotherapy – Chemo or Chemotherapy is a drug that kills and slows the growth of 1.     malignant cells. It not only kills cancer cells throughout

Monday, 9 January 2017

Let’s get to know about Childhood Cancer

BPositive Magazine November issue 2016

Cancer cases in teenagers and adults are biologically very different. According to a data published in Indian journal of cancer it is estimated that approximately 45,000 children diagnosed with cancer every year. The common form cancers found in children are leukaemia, brain tumors, lymphoma, abdominal tumors, and muscle and bone tumors. Cancer is such a sensitive issue and when children are exposes to it the cause of concern gets more serious. 

The cause of most childhood cancers is not known. In today’s time our lifestyle plays a pivotal role in our overall health. Easily available packed or junk food, not doing enough exercises, prolonged sitting, obesity, drinking too much alcohol or cigarette smoking are exposing adults to cancer but these factors doesn’t affect much in childhood cancer. But few studies and past researches has shown that smoking in front of your children does affect their health and might increases their risk of cancer but there aren’t much proofs available. Also environmental factors like radiation exposure, too much exposure to pollution or environmental disasters like Bhopal gas tragedy have been linked to some childhood cancers. 

Apart from environmental factors your family history of cancer could also affect your future generation and expose them to cancer. Parent’s genes increase the risk of certain types of cancer in children or sometimes they can cause a syndrome which creates developmental problems. 

If your child has been diagnosed with cancer then as a parent you need to be very strong to be able to stand by your child. Coping with your child’s cancer and finding ways to stay strong is challenging for everyone in a family. Parents and family support